Single Women

Pictures and Profiles of Japanese Women



First name: Rika

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62025200

Born: 1973

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 36 years

Height: 154cm (5'½")

Weight: 47kg (103 lbs.)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Marital status: Single

Occupation: Don't have job now (I will take course computer class from next month.)

How long at present occupation?

Education: High school

Languages: Japanese, English

Religion: No religion

Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, watching movies, read books, driving by my car

Do you want children someday? Yes

Do you already have children? No

Do you smoke? No

How would you describe your personality? I always positive thinking, care about people and can take close to people easily. I love peaceful of life.

What is most important to you? My family, my friends, keep smiling

What countries have you been to? Australia, Nepal, South Korea, Canada, Bali, Vietnam, Italy, Taiwan

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you?

What are your hopes and plans for the future? To live other country and happy life with my partner

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I am not perfect but, I will try make happy in our life. I hope everything fine with my partner (will be my partner) and I hope we shall be make wonderful life.

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