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Single Japanese Women Seeking Men



First name: Anri

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62122092

Born: 1979

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 32 years

Height: 160cm (5'3")

Weight: 53kg (116 lbs.)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Marital status: Single

Occupation: Ceramic artist / clerical job

How long at present occupation? 8 years

Education: 2-year college graduate

Languages: Japanese

Hobbies/Interests: Art, music, movies

Do you want children someday? Yes

Do you already have children? No

Do you smoke? No

How would you describe your personality? Serious, positive

What is most important to you? Cherishing family and friends

What countries have you been to? Australia, Singapore, Korea, Guam

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you? I'm looking for a serious relationship. I'd like to get married and live in Japan.

What are your hopes and plans for the future? I hope to have a happy family and enjoy ceramic art even as a hobby.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I'd like raise a happy family together.

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