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Single Japanese Ladies Seeking Men



First name: Yukari

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62132928

Born: 1980

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 31 years

Height: 161cm (5'3½")

Weight: 50kg (110 lbs.)

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Dark brown

Marital status: Divorced

Occupation: Nurse

How long at present occupation? 8 years

Income: At a level appropriate for my age

Education: 3-year college graduate (Nursing Department)

Languages: Japanese, a little English

Religion: None

Hobbies/Interests: Walking to stay in shape and be healthy. It's very stimulating to feel the four seasons change. I like shopping for clothes, sundry goods and food. I'd like to go grocery shopping and cook with my future partner. When I'm at home, I often watch foreign dramas and movies. I mostly prefer suspense and action movies, but I'm open to other genres if they're interesting or recommended.

Do you want children someday? Yes

Do you already have children? No

Do you smoke? No

How would you describe your personality? I always try to see the good points of others and incorporate them into my personality in a positive way. I'm calm and optimistic, so even if I get a little depressed, I can get over it the next day. The people at my office say I'm cool and mature. I take care of my health and am always healthy.

What is most important to you? Being healthy in body and mind. Being financially stable. Keeping a good balance between work and play. Cherishing my partner, my family, and my mother.

What countries have you been to? USA

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you? I'm living by myself and lead a job-centered life. For some years I've been almost vegetarian. Compared to before, my physical and skin conditions have improved, so I continue this diet. I love fruits & nuts and often eat them. I have no intention to ask you to do the same, and I can cook regular meals for you. I don't drink at all, but I think we can enjoy those situations together anyway. If I have an opportunity to drink, I'd like to try some wine.

What are your hopes and plans for the future? Considering my age, I hope to have children in the not too distant future. And then, lead a peaceful, financially stable life surrounded by my husband, children and grandchildren. Sometimes, I'd like to take trips for romantic memories, and I want our children to experience different cultures and history. I regularly practice English using books and CDs, but I have difficulty with listening comprehension and pronunciation. I want to use English with confidence, and I want to understand you better, so please help me out. If I can help you with Japanese, I'd be happy to.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? Once I thought I'd never marry again. But now, I'm hoping to meet someone somewhere in this world and would like to encourage and support him. I learned a lot from divorce. I'm looking for someone who is positive about housework and child-raising. (But, I won't fence in my partner.) By tolerating our deficiencies and helping each other to improve, our partnership will have real meaning. There may be various difficulties, like the language barrier cultural differences, but by supporting each other, let's create a comfortable home together.

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