Women's Pictures

Single Japanese Ladies Seeking Men



First name: Tomoko

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62224541

Born: 1978

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 34 years

Height: 156cm (5'1½")

Weight: 47kg (103 lbs.)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Marital status: Single

Occupation: Dental Hygienist

How long at present occupation? 6 years

Education: Some college, graduated from Waseda School of Dental Hygiene

Languages: Japanese, now studying English

Religion: None

Hobbies/Interests: Traveling overseas (historical structures, beautiful landscapes), visiting hot springs, flowers (decorating rooms and gardening), wine and food (visiting various restaurants with friends), cooking (going to a cooking school to learn how to make tasty dishes by myself), swimming

Do you want children someday? Yes

Do you already have children? No

Do you smoke? No

How would you describe your personality? Kind, easy-going, honest, curious about new things, cheerful. My friends say I'm always smiling and they feel happy being with me. I try to keep smiling and show consideration for others all the time.

What is most important to you? Living happily with my future partner. Being able to stay together happily.

What countries have you been to? Italy, Hawaii, Guam, Saipan, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, China

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you? I'm keeping a dog and a cat. I like animals and would like to keep pets in the future to cherish them with you.

What are your hopes and plans for the future? I want to meet a wonderful person and travel all over the world. I’d love to live overseas.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I'd like to live our life with smiles and love. Let's try hard no matter what the circumstances. I'm really looking forward to contacting you.

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