Ladies' Profiles

Japanese Matrimonial Service



First name: Chieko

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62225570

Born: 1969

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 40 years

Height: 167cm (5'5½")

Weight: 67kg (147 lbs.)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Marital status: Divorced

Occupation: President

How long at present occupation? About 7 years

Education: Bachelors degree

Languages: Japanese and English

Religion: Irreligion

Hobbies/Interests: Traveling, driving and cooking

Do you want children someday? Undecided

Do you already have children? My son is 18 years old, and my ex-husband has taken care of him.

Do you smoke? Occasionally

Do you want to quit smoking? Yes

How would you describe your personality? I have a cheerful disposition. In fact I always keep a positive frame of mind. Open-mind person.

What is most important to you? I'd like to live overseas. The country where I live with peace of mind with my two dogs has beautiful and sunny beach.

What countries have you been to? Maldives, the USA, Singapore, China, Australia and Hong Kong

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you? I may not live in Japan forever. In the future I am hoping to get a transfer back to Australia, New Zealand or the USA. Although I would always be willing to come back to Japan for visits and such.

What are your hopes and plans for the future? I am an OK cook. However, I'd like to learn traditional dish from my partner's mother.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I hope you are an honest, sophisticated, tasteful, intelligent and gentle man with a good sense of humour.

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Success Story

"I never in a million years would have believed that an internet company could match two people together that live 6,500 miles apart!! (or as Takako thinks of it, 10,400kms) and have it work so well. We go hiking, play tennis, cook, do laundry, but most of all we laugh a lot together. We can't thank you guys enough!! We were married May 14th in Tokyo & currently have decided to live in Florida."

Scott  Lovers Yukako, Florida