Women's Pictures

Pictures and Profiles of Japanese Ladies



First name: Yukiko

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62228741

Born: 1971

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

Height: 163cm (5'4")

Weight: 53kg (117 lbs.)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Marital status: Widowed

Occupation: Sales clerk (insurance)

How long at present occupation? ½ year

Education: Vocational school of beauty graduate

Languages: Now, I only speak Japanese. But I'd like to learn other languages, especially English.

Religion: Buddhism

Hobbies/Interests: I've been practicing ballroom dancing (standard) for a year. For beauty and health, I'd like to continue doing that. As for other interests — traveling, hot springs, listening to music, reading, easy cooking, and refreshing with light stretching and yoga.

Do you want children someday? Undecided

Do you already have children? No

Do you smoke? No

How would you describe your personality? Natural, kind, down-to-earth, sensitive, responsive, cheerful, friendly, caring

What is most important to you? Being healthy in body and mind. Establishing a relationship of trust between important people. Finding hobbies and my purpose in life.

What countries have you been to? Bali, Saipan, NY, LA, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Egypt

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you? I got married when I was 30. Seven years later, I lost my husband to cancer. We didn't have kids. But I like children and I'd like to have some if we have the chance. He was Japanese and had been living overseas about 15 years. So, he showed me various expressions of love not typical for a Japanese. This is one of the reasons I'm seeking a foreigner as a lifetime partner.

What are your hopes and plans for the future? I can enjoy private time by myself. But if possible, I'd like to have family, again. The time with family will provide more smile and peaceful mind. I don't mind where to live, Japan or overseas. I'll be interested in partner's country's history, culture, language, custom etc...and make maximum effort to understand them. I hope you'll be the same.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? How about establishing a peaceful relationship while supporting each other in good times and bad by respecting each other and spending enough time together?

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