Single Women

Pictures and Profiles of Japanese Ladies



First name: Yoko

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62230811

Born: 1970

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 42 years

Height: 166cm (5'5½")

Hair color: Dark brown

Eye color: Dark brown

Marital status: Divorced

Occupation: Clerical work

How long at present occupation? 8 years

Education: 2-year college graduate

Languages: Japanese, English, Spanish (a little)

Religion: None

Do you want children someday? Undecided

Do you already have children? One boy who is 11 years old and lives with me.

Do you smoke? Lightly

Do you want to quit smoking? Yes

How would you describe your personality? I think I can do things with a calm mind. I’m cheerful, sometimes shy, but have a sociable aspect because of my job.

What is most important to you? My son is most important, I think. A relationship with trust is also important.

What countries have you been to? Canada, Mexico, USA, China, Korea

What are your hopes and plans for the future? Finding a wonderful partner to spend our lives together happily. I'm hoping my partner will accept my son like his own child.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I'm hoping to spend everyday life with a smile all the time.

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