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Japanese Matchmaking Service



First name: Ayumi

Japanese woman seeking marriage

Client #62322084

Born: 1968

Nationality: Japanese

Country of residence: Japan

How long in country of residence? 44 years

Height: 164cm (5'4½")

Weight: 50kg (110 lbs.)

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Marital status: Single

Occupation: Web designer, Instructor (freelance), school teacher (high school, part time)

How long at present occupation? Designer: 20 years; Instructor: 15 years

Education: Junior College (Graphic Design), Art School (Commercial Art)

Languages: Japanese, English (beginner)

Hobbies/Interests: I've been taking ballet classes about 12 years. I am interested to do self-expression by a dance. I like listening to music, reading, watching DVDs, travel and cooking. And I also like to spend time out in nature.

Do you want children someday? No

Do you already have children? No

Do you smoke? No

How would you describe your personality? I'm a positive person. I always stay upbeat and look on the bright side of things. My friends often say that I'm a funny person. I enjoy my work.

What is most important to you? My friends and family. Enjoy the life, and continuing learning the life. Share the happy life with my future partner.

What countries have you been to? Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland

Is there anything about you that your future partner would want to know before becoming involved with you? I divorced twice. (I married a Japanese man in 1993, but I divorced in 1998. In 2009, I married an Australian, but I divorced in 2012.)

What are your hopes and plans for the future? I wish to meet a special guy who will love me as much as I will love him. Someday, I would like to travel around the world with my partner.

What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I will make you happy! I think, most important things in life are not fame and wealth but finding someone you can really trust and love having a happy life. I would like to find a truly happy life with you.

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